To Consume it may Return

If there was ever a set of directions that you lost halfway there; figuring that you knew the rest of the way, and then you got hopelessly lost, I am writing to tell you that I was seemingly stuck there forever until ten minutes ago. Read this and you could leave when the next bus does, don't, and let your hubris get the better of you again (you shouldn't have tossed those directions) and be stuck like I was.

First and foremost, meter your doses. Its easier said than done as WE know, but its your best shot at making the bus. A day out here is no problem, three is tricky, a week, fuck, you'll see. Just remember it is a WALL, and a gradual kick instead of an all out slide tackle is the RIGHTERS recommendation.

There is a nice diner on main street with decent hard rolls and fresh coffee . When your appetite returns sit down there and look around and take stock. Many people get lost there, many people are. But they get hungry and have a bite and grumble. Twitching aching corkscrewing backs, hauntingly gaunt busboys vapidly bussing the semi barren booths. At a table "She's got the look" plays INXSessently. Everybody at this waystation has the look, and its only because you do too, that you feel proud that you don't live here.

The hot sills of the aluminum dinner give way to the hostile reminder that your current load is depreciating in value. Desperately dwindling, dawdling over the tab paid and overtipped, you'll stalk into the streets like a September Sunflower, head bobbing to feel the strain in your neck.

The second thing you have to remember is that you shouldn't feel bad in the least if you paid no my mind to the first thing . Ever have half an orgasm, or just the bottom half of a tasty cupcake? Wander down the street freshly reassured that you'll be on your way before the medicine is. Ramble down the street and find this letter in the payphone.

Read it and laugh about its sentiments. You drove here, so you don't need a bus, you can leave when you want but you won't. As far as I know there is an opening at the diner, laugh languidly: fuck no, not me, not ever, but you'll stay awhile longer. Lose that car, and your sense, flip some burgers and bus a few tables, and maybe someday leave a note in the phonebooth.

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